Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
During my PhD, I'm investigating the usage of Deep Learning models to automatically generate code.
Polytechnic of Milan, Milan
During these two years, I studied topics related to Big Data and Machine Learning. I released a tool using MondoDB and NodeJS able to suggest the choice of an order for a tender
Polytechnic of Milan, Milan
During these years, I studied statistics at 360 degrees, enriching my knowledge with Optimization, Data Analysis and Programming courses.
Polytechnic of Milan, Milan
During my Bachelor's Degree, I studied Mathematical Analysis, Statistics, Computer Science, Physics and Probability.
Università della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano
I'm participating in Machine Learning projects, leading a team of Ph.D. student and overseeing their activities to ensure the successful and timely completion of the ongoing projects.
Accenture S.p.A., Milan
I realized different tools for Computer Vision released in portable services, using Flask with HTML and CSS. Creation of a NodeJS server that uses DialogFlow API to understand the intent of the sentences and allows the user to interact vocally with the washing machine. Creation of a chatbot deployed in different Docker containers.
Aglea S.r.L., Milan
Realization of internal tools in C# and study of authorization security in SAP. Production of a tool to manage activities in my company (purchasing, invoicing, ..) based on a SQL database.
NextInt S.a.s., Milan
Use of RapidMiner and R to solve different optimization problems. Generation of dashboards with QlikView to help customers seeing their data in order to take business decisions.
A. Mastropaolo, M. Ciniselli, M. di Penta, G. Bavota
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2024)
R. Tufano, O. Dabić, A. Mastropaolo, M. Ciniselli, G. Bavota
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE 2024), 16 pages
A Mastropaolo, L Pascarella, E Guglielmi, M. Ciniselli, S Scalabrino, R Oliveto, G Bavota
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023)
M. Ciniselli, L. Pascarella, E Aghajani, S Scalabrino, R Oliveto, G Bavota
International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2023), to appear
M. Ciniselli, L. Pascarella, G. Bavota
Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2022), 12 pages
M. Ciniselli, N. Cooper, L. Pascarella, A.Mastropaolo, E. Aghajani, D. Poshyvanyk, M. Di Penta, G. Bavota
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (TSE 2021), 20 pages
M. Ciniselli, N. Cooper, L. Pascarella, D. Poshyvanyk, M. Di Penta, G. Bavota
Mining Software Repositories (MSR 2021), 12 pages